Will You Blame Thomas ?

by | Mar 20, 2017

Would you have blamed Thomas for missing the first meeting where Jesus appeared ? 
“But Thomas, one of the Twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.”John 20:24
Jesus did not blame Thomas for not been at his first appearance to the disciples and their was no record that the other disciples did. 
You may say that God is all knowing that’s why He did not blame him. 
Here we see a rare example of of understanding and tolerance. 
Today Pastors ,leaders blame others for missing meeting. In fact some Pastors would have publicly castigated Thomas and set up a committee to investigate why he missed the meeting and come up with recommendations of sanctions to give him. 
The example of our Lord showed understanding and love even when Thomas doubted HE still lovingly proved Himself to him and Blessings flowed from that encounter to generations of believers till today. 
How do you respond to other believer that appears weak ?
Please strengthen them.
Go all the way like Jesus did to allay all their fears and doubts
If someone is absent at a crucial meeting let’s lovingly reach out and impact the blessings on them. 
Don’t play the blame and judging game. Reach out and be there for that person


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