Why should we feed your army?

by | Jul 6, 2020

Why should we feed your army?
“The town leaders of Succoth answered, “Why should we feed your army? We don’t know if you really will defeat Zebah and Zalmunna.” “Just wait!” Gideon said. …But he got the same answer as he had gotten at Succoth. “I’ll come back safe and sound,” Gideon said, “but when I do, I’m going to tear down your tower!” Judges 8:6-9(CEV)
Has your request for help been turned down mockingly?
When you are fainting and needed help, and you leaned on a friend, but you were turned down?
Gideon was on God” s assignment, and his troops were faint and tired.
“After Gideon and his three hundred troops had chased the Midianites as far as the Jordan River, they were exhausted. The town of Succoth was nearby, so he went there and asked, “Please give my troops some food. They are worn out, but we have to keep chasing Zebah and Zalmunna, the two Midianite kings.” Judges 8:4-5(CEV)
Ordinarily, you think people close by should help.
However, they made fun of him and did not help.
Twice, two different people turned him down.
God, who sent him on that assignment, came through for him.
He defeated all his enemies has God had earlier told him.
“Gideon,” the LORD answered, “you can rescue Israel because I am going to help you! Defeating the Midianites will be as easy as beating up one man.” Judges 6:16 (CEV)
Don’t be discouraged when you are feeling weak, tired, exhausted like Gideon and his army.
Remember to stand upon His Word in times of difficulties like this.
God came through for Gideon, and He will do the same for you.
“… For hasn’t he promised you, “I will never leave you alone, never! And I will not loosen my grip on your life!” Hebrews 13:5(TPT)
Don’t give up on your dream because people close to you refuse to help.
God is faithful and true.
HE will surely see you through this challenge.


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