What Will Ye Give Me?

by | Jun 1, 2022

What Will Ye Give Me?
“And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.” Matt. 26: 15. (KJV).
What can a person do with thirty pieces of silver?
How much are you being paid to compromise your faith?
What pleasure of sin are you indulging in?
The sad reality is that money will come to an end.
That pleasurable sin will also become anguish.
Is your weak point a house or a car?
It is all for a moment.
Was it worthwhile for Judas to betray Jesus?
He lost an eternity of a beautiful life with God.
For just thirty pieces of silver!!!
How much is Jesus worth to you?
How much do you need to forsake Him?
Will a little bit of trouble take you away from Jesus? Maybe you are going through some challenging times?.
Are you blaming God?
For not looking after you?
Do you want to go your own way?
Are friends convincing you to enjoy your life more and do less for Jesus?
Compromises here and there do not pay you.
Where do you want to spend eternity?
It is in Christ Jesus that you have true fulfillment.
Please watch the Sunday Class School on:
How To Handle Compromising Situations.


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