The two become one person.
by Destiny Empowerment | 2 December 2020 | Non classé | 0 Comments
"This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife in such a way that the two become one person. Now, although the man and his wife were both naked, neither of them was embarrassed or ashamed.Genesis 2:24-25 (TLB)In instituting marriage,...
I was overjoyed when they said…
by Destiny Empowerment | 28 June 2021 | Non classé | 0 Comments
I was overjoyed when they said…"I was overjoyed when they said, "Let's go up to the house of the Lord." And now, at last, we stand here, inside the very gates of Jerusalem! O Jerusalem, you were built as a city of praise, where God and man mingle together. This is...
by Destiny Empowerment | 29 June 2018 | Non classé | 0 Comments
Exactly like the pattern the Lord had shown Moses"The Lord said to Moses, "Speak to Aaron and say to him, ‘When you set up the lamps, see that all seven light up the area in front of the lampstand.' Aaron did so; he set up the lamps so that they faced forward on...