What Does it Mean to Have a Pure Heart?
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8) KJV.
We are constantly “speaking” about a pure heart or a clean heart.
I wonder if this is all our Lord Jesus wanted for us when He spoke about the beatitudes.
Is it enough to know that we need to have a pure heart?
Is it enough just to say we have a pure heart?
Jesus wanted us to know that to have a pure heart involves an inner transformation.
The man who has a pure heart no longer tolerates sin in his life.
This is a real challenge for some of us, isn’t it?
Our lives need to be changed by His power.
We need to allow Him to change our lives and clean our hearts.
This is not all.
I think a pure heart involves a certain level of transparency as well.
“Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.”
(2 Cor 3:2) KJV.
People observe our lives.
Are we an excellent testimony to them?
Please, don’t forget:
“Many people will not read a Bible, but you might be the only Bible they ever read.”
Will you allow Jesus to transform your lives and be an excellent testimony to others?
Well, Jesus concludes with:” They shall see God.”
Do you want to see God?
Let Him change your life, clean your heart and be an excellent testimony to the people around you.
What kind of condition is your heart in?
Application for the Christian life:
Have a pure heart.
Not just think but actually do God’s will.
Abandon every form of evil.
Let everybody notice you are an example of Jesus.