It is right and just for God to trouble your troublers.

by | Mar 9, 2020

It is right and just for God to trouble your troublers. 

“It is right and just for God to trouble your troublers  and give rest to the troubled, both to you and to us, at the unveiling of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his messengers of power” 
2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 (TPT)
“God will do what is right. He will give trouble to those who trouble you.” 2 Thessalonians 1:6 (NCV)
Ask Mordecai, Yes he will testify to what became of Hamman who took it as a full-time job to trouble him(Esther 7)
David also will prove to you that God avenged him of all those who wronged him. (The Philistines, Saul, Absalom, etc.)
Daniel prevailed in the lion’s den.
Paul, the Apostle, will also tell you that indeed there were oppositions, but through God,s mercies, he prevailed. 
(2 Corinthians 11:16-33)
No matter what appeared as challenges to you today, you will undoubtedly prevail.
Keep your focus on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
He did not allow all those that troubled him to stop Him from fulfilling His God-given destiny.
You are also unstoppable in Christ Jesus.


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