What are you concerned about?

by | Sep 8, 2021

What are you concerned about?

Which of you, by taking thought, can add one cubit unto his stature?
Matt. 6:27.(KJV).
Are you concerned about what you will do tomorrow?
Is there is a problem at work to solve?
Maybe you do not have enough money to pay your bills?.
Did you by any chance lose your job?
How healthy are you?
Is it a family problem?
When you go through dark times:
You cannot see the light on the other side of the tunnel.
When the clouds are dark, you do not see the sun on the other side.
The truth is that in both cases:
The light is there.
Look back at your life.
Have you gone through dark times before?
Did you by any chance get stuck, and you cannot get out?
Look back at your life again.
You will realize you always got through.
You got stuck with the situation you are worrying about ?.
Guess what?
You will get through this one as well.
The problem is how to get out of your current situation.
You may not know, but God does.
Trust God.
He knows the solution.
He knows the way.
Application to the Christian life:
Trust God,
He knows the way,
Just follow Him.
Remain humbl


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