True Ministry

by | Nov 29, 2021

True Ministry
“True spirituality. “True ministry.” that is pure in the eyes of our Father God is to make a difference in the lives of the orphans and widows in their troubles, and to refuse to be corrupted by the world’s values.”
James 1: 27(TPT)
In this season of thanksgiving and expectations for the New Year 2022
We should live out the True Ministry.
It is time to make an impactful difference in the lives of orphans and widows.
The Greek word “orhpanos” means “the fatherless” or “the comfortless.”
Reach out to the fatherless.
Those who don’t know God as their Father.
Let God use you to bring them into the kingdom.
They need to know Him and be able to say “Abba Father.”
Give Comfort to the comfortless.
In the challenges you have gone through and overcome.
Comfort others with the Comfort you have been comforted with.
Provide Solutions to the widows in their troubles.
Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight.
Really the loveless?
Yes, with patience and wisdom.
Reach out to them.
They are within and outside !!!
Do this without being corrupted by the world’s values.
Faithful ministry is doing all these and more without all the cameras.
Give and care without being arrogant.
The world system wants everyone to know what they have done.
You are giving on to the Lord.
“Every time you give to the poor, you make a loan to the Lord. Don’t worry—you’ll be repaid in full for all the good you’ve done.” Proverbs 19:17(TPT)
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in all that you do.
The Blessings will surely come back to you.
All the Glory will continue to be to the Lord.
Again, it’s not only money.
Whatsoever resources you have at your disposal.
Let someone see and know God through you.
Watch Our Sunday Class Discussions on Joyful Exploits.


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