Three times and then quit

by | Oct 15, 2018

Three times and then quit

“Now pick up the other arrows,” said Elisha. He picked them up. Then he said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground.” The king struck the ground three times and then quit. The Holy Man became angry with him: “Why didn’t you hit the ground five or six times? Then you would beat Aram until he was finished. As it is, you’ll defeat him three times only.” 2 Kings 13:18-19  (MSG)

The king struck the ground three times and then quit.  

And he struck three times and stopped.

 The king picked them up and hit the floor three times.

In whichever translation you look at it again, 

The bottom line is that the king aimed low, shallow.

How high are your expectations of victory today and for the rest of this year?

This king in our text was so much absorbed about the facts of the opposing army against him, and when he had the lifetime opportunity of winning the battles forever, he took only 3 feeble shots at victory. ( 2 Kings 13: 14-21)

Whose report are you relying on today to make your requests before God?

The 12 spies had two reports (majority and minority reports) Numbers 13:30-33

Joshua and Caleb held on to what they know about God hence they outlived all the other spies in that espionage. 

Don’t let the circumstances of what you are going through limit your expectations from God  

Luke 1:37: “For nothing is impossible with God,

You can aim higher.

Don’t stop at three

You can strike five or six times.

Double Your Expectations   


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