The way to Mount Moriah is always a difficult one

by | Oct 3, 2011

The way to Mount Moriah is always a difficult one. I was on the way to give out an amount the Lord has asked to be given to one of HIS servants and as I was going it was raining heavily and the human traffic also was quite much. The wind was blowing too and it was getting uncomfortable. I wanted to turn back and find another convenient time to go. That was when I heard the Holy Spirit tell me that the road to Mount Moriah is not always convenient and once you are sure you truly heard from God the sacrificial giving you should make, and then you must overcome that temptation not to do it or to turn back. The man of God later confirmed to us that the money was timely and met a specific need which confirmed the faithfulness of God to him again and again.

Many at times God will instruct us to make some sacrificial giving like HE told Abraham to go and sacrifice Isaac on Mount Moriah but it was not a convenient journey. It was going up on the mountain for almost 3 full days up on the hill. There could have been many inconvenient reasons for Abraham to turn back too. The terrain, the distance and much more the great value of the sacrifice. We too sometimes face that challenge of giving sacrificially and as we embark on the journey the enemy makes us see all the inconveniences that is associated with the giving and we sometimes take the easy way out by easily turning back and telling ourselves God understands and we end up not giving the “Isaac sacrifice “that will confirm and seal our breakthrough. Your discouragement can come in any form ranging from the physical to outright lie from the enemy about the person, ministry or church that God wants you to sow that sacrifice into .There was a situation where the man of God to herald me to another level of ministry was wrongly reported in the media and if I was to go by that report it would be convenient not to give the sacrificial sowing. However God helped me to ignore those reports and I reaped the blessing of obedience. Don’t miss your promotion to your next level or breakthrough by finding it convenient not to go all the way to sacrificially give what the Lord is asking you to do today. Tune to the Holy Spirit that has given you the instruction and don’t turn back your great blessing by listening to a “friend’s” report about that ministry, church or the person. The road to Mount Moriah is always rough and sometimes long but God’s blessing and breakthrough that awaits you is what the enemy is trying to rob you off. Even though it was wet and cold I still made it .So also I pray and encourage you today not to discard the instruction God has given you about your sacrificial giving.

Your challenge may be about giving out love to those you love and you are committed to. It always requires you to stay focused and not be easily discouraged. I remember an instance when I wanted to demonstrate to my wife that my love for her could enable me drive her to a place she wanted to go without her requesting for it. I set aside what I had planned doing and assured her that she need not to get there by herself. We got into the car with the confidence that the GPS would direct us there. Lo and behold the street name as we had it in the address was not available. Time was going; she needed to get there for an appointment. Thoughts came to me that I need not have put myself into this spot, if she had set out the way she knew to, she would be there in good time. We now had to key in the nearest address that we knew .We both resolved not to give up. As we set out racing against time and traffic I was saying to myself I need not to have taken this challenge to show my love and care. After getting near the location and asking directions here and there we found the place and got there on time. To our surprise the street name had been changed and that was why the GPS did not detect the old street name yet the business contact still carried the old address. Again it turned out to be both day and night trips at my wife’s request. My initial thought when making the offer was just during the day! Her kind and tender show of love and gratitude following this gesture however made the sacrifice well worth it. I felt we connected in a special way. I was glad the challenges that came up did not discourage me in demonstrating my love to my wife. What about you? Don’t get discouraged .Whatever God has impressed on you to do carry it out and your break through blessings awaits you .Abraham never regretted embarking on that trip up the mountain. So you too must repent and obey what God has instructed you to do.


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