The People

by | Jan 17, 2018

“And Samuel said to all the people, See ye him whom the Lord hath chosen, that there is none like him among all the people? And all the people shouted, and said, God, save the king.”1 Samuel 10:24
What are you going to do about the people this year?
When Saul was freshly appointed as King the People hailed him “long live the king “and he absorbed that so much that when he was later instructed by Samuel to wait for him to come and sacrifice to God, he disobeyed. Why? because he saw the people departing. 
The People had earlier rejected God’s direct rule and demanded a king, which made Saul emerge as their king. 
“Vox Populi, Vox Dei is Latin for “the voice of the people is the voice of God.” This is not in the Bible and equally like the other misnomer “heaven help those who help themselves is not biblical either. 
Learn to hear and follow God and not the people. 
David’s critical success was in his ability to hear God and follow Him
When the people wanted to celebrate Paul as God, he quickly rejected it and stated he was a mere man like them.
Not all the successful things God will want you to do this year will be popular with the people. Remember one with God is majority.
The same people that hailed hosanna to Jesus soon turned around to say crucify Him. 
Jesus’s did not yield to the popular demand of the people to make Him King. 
Do away with pride and self-deception this year and don’t get carried away by the people. 
Let God be your guide and not the people. 


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