The Message of The Cross.

by | Feb 16, 2022

The Message of The Cross.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) KJV
Even though the Cross is usually rejected, the Cross also attracts.
This is an exciting truth.
Jesus, the Son of God, came to the earth and was put on a cross and died there for our sins.
This is the message of the gospel.
At the center of the Bible is just one person, Jesus Christ.
The Cross is telling us many things about Jesus Christ:
Jesus Christ is a great forgiving person.
When He was on the Cross, He prayed to God to forgive those mocking Him.
Even though He was in great pain, He still prayed for others.
Jesus Christ is the great savior.
There is no other Savior!
There is none like Jesus who could take the sins of men.
Only Jesus could.
Only Jesus did this for us.
Jesus Christ is the great comforter.
During His life on the earth, He comforted a lot of people.
Healed, restored, raised them from the dead, and so on.
He really is the great comforter.
Jesus Christ is the great Peacemaker.
He went on the Cross to make peace between God and us.
He took upon Him the punishment we deserved for our sins.
He paid it all for us.
Now we have access to freedom from the bondage of sin.
Jesus Christ is the great conqueror.
Death couldn’t hold Him in the grave.
After three days, He rose from the dead.
He is alive!
He is the king of kings and the lord of lords!
Do you know Him?
Application for the Christian life:
Learn to know the God who made you and bought you with His life to save you from damnation.
Give your life to God.
Accept Him today
To be your Lord and Savior
“There is a Name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in my ear,
The sweetest Name on earth.
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!”


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