The Crown of Life

by | Jun 11, 2021

The Crown of Life.

“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. “James 1:12. (KJV).

Did you lie awake last night, worrying about your problems? 

Do you feel miserable and despondent? 

Do you feel life is unfair? 

Your happy friends are laughing at you?

Do you blame God for things that have gone wrong?

Reread the verse. 

You are tested! 

You are being tested!!! 

God wants to see if you are worthy of a Crown of Life. 

Can you endure temptation? 

Can you endure the unfairness of life? 

Temptations come in different forms. 

Do not give up. 

Put your trust in God.

Application to the Christian life: 

Resist temptation. 

Do not lose faith when you are going through dark times. 

Trust God. 

Follow Jesus All the way.


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