Temptations and Victories.

by | Apr 10, 2019

Temptations and Victories.

“Then Jesus said to him, Begone, Satan! For it has been written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him alone shall you serve. Then the devil departed from Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him” Matthew‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭-11 AMPC‬‬

If Satan wasn’t afraid to tempt Jesus, he definitely wouldn’t be scared to tempt you. 

Jesus defeated Satan, through speaking the Word and relying entirely on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Throughout our entire Christian lives, we will be attacked in as many ways as possible. 

Our enemy will try to defeat us, and destroy us. 

First temptation: Get out of the will of God. 

Jesus did not succumb to the hasty satisfaction of his hunger 

He was to feed over five thousand people and many more.

He could have chosen to satisfy His own needs, but He didn’t.

He fed the people.

Second temptation: Misleading through the word of God. 

The second temptation was even worse than the first one! 

If Jesus quoted the Word of God, Satan did the same. 

Satan will deceitfully use the scriptures against you.

It manipulated the Word to Adam and Eve at the garden of Eden 

Third temptation: Salvation without the cross. 

The enemy offered Jesus a shortcut to the Kingdom! 

The cross is the center of Christianity! 

Satan couldn’t make Jesus forfeit the Cross.

Be careful of the “often juicy shortcut.”

Suggestions will come to you :

To  neglect the cross, refuse it, despise it, or minimize it 

Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God 

Don’t get out of the Perfect will of God.

Don’t misuse the Word of God

Don’t forsake your Cross. 

Our Lord and Savior was Victorious. So You will too by His Grace. 


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