Stop imitating

by | Nov 15, 2019

 Stop imitating
“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”
Romans 12:2 (TPT)
Stop imitating.
Be who God has called you to be.
Joseph stood out amongst his bothers.
Joseph was different from them in the way he spoke (Genesis 37:2). Joseph was a man of truth.
He was different from his brothers in his clothing.
His father made him a present, a unique tunic.
He was different from his brothers in his vision.
You do remember his dreams.
He was not just a dreamer; God was showing him his future.
Even though at the time, he didn’t know what his two dreams meant. Even his father was a bit upset about his dreams.
He was different from his brothers in the way he was living.
He could have lived a life of sin if he wanted to, but he didn’t.
He was alone with Potiphar’s wife, and he still kept his integrity.
The result of being himself?. 

He was promoted.
 “Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou.”
(Genesis 41:40) KJV
Don’t try to compare with anyone,
 Look to Jesus at all times.
Let your desire to be more and more like Him.
Stop copying others.
Your Destiny is unique.


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