Serve others what they need at exactly the right time.

by | Sep 6, 2021

Serve others what they need at exactly the right time.
“The Lord replied, “A master will delegate authority in his house to a trustworthy and thoughtful manager who understands his master’s desires. And the household manager will serve others what they need at exactly the right time. And whenever his master returns, he will find that his servant has served him well. I promise you; the master will reward him generously, and he will be placed as an overseer of everything he owns.”
Luke 12:42-44(TPT)
Are you timely in carrying out what God has asked you to do?
Jesus described as trustworthy and thoughtful the leader that serves timely.
Whatsoever will be a Blessing to others in your area of influence, do it timely.
Don’t use your power to serve unjustly.
Remember the parable of the two sons (Matthew 21:28-32)
The first one promised to go and work and did not.
The second one initially refused but changed his mind and did the work.
It’s about timely obedience.
God is timely and strategic in His purpose.
Let us be like Him.
Whatever the challenges you may face, God can help you out.
“My life, my every moment, my destiny—it’s all in your hands. So, I know you can deliver me from those who persecute me relentlessly.” Psalm 31:15 (TPT)
Use your life, moments, and everything you have on time.
Indeed, there is a reward for being timely.


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