Seek the things from above.

by | Aug 18, 2021

Seek the things from above.
If ye then risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Col. 3:1. (KJV).
Are you a child of God?
Did You really give your life to Christ?
Have You accepted Him as your Lord and Savior?
If you have, then you are also part of Jesus.
Perhaps you have not.
Invite Him in Today.
Accept Him as your Lord and Savior.
Confess your sins to Him.
Repent of them too.
Ask the Holy Spirit to live in you and be your guide.
You Have the Holy Spirit.
You are now born again.
Your own desires were crucified.
New desires were born.
Daily check that the desires you seek to fulfill are His.
When Jesus was on the earth,
He listened to God.
What the Father Wanted to be done.
His thoughts were about the Kingdom of God.
He only wanted to do the will of His Father.
Can you do that?
What are you thinking of doing today?
Are they the Kingdom’s agenda?
Application to the Christian life:
Submit your life to God.
Let your desires be from above.
Serve God.


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