Prove all things

by | Jun 19, 2017

“ But test and prove all things [until you can recognize] what is good; [to that] hold fast.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21
We live in an age of too much social frenzy and one of the side effects is that “news” spread like wildfire in the social media. 
Technology has enabled us to just copy, paste, send and forward to other people without verifying the authenticity of such information.
As a child of God before you endorse and be a platform to distribute such information take time to look at it again and ascertain that it is so before you become the distributor.
In the above Bible verse Apostle Paul encourages Christians not to dabble and peddle stories about the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, which has no scriptural foundation.
 He encouraged them to verify all their facts before coming to a conclusion on any issue.
How do you fair today in recognizing what is good?
Do you just form your opinion about the issues of life based on what other people say?
Do you form your opinion based on the “prayer gossip” that other Christian told you of another Christian without you personally verifying the facts?
 Resolve today to process diligently the information you base your decisions on.
Take the challenge.
Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good. 


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