Pray for a Suitable Soulmate.

by | Jan 12, 2022

Pray for a Suitable Soulmate.
“And he said, O Lord God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day and shew kindness unto my master Abraham.”
Gen. 24:12(KJV).
Abraham sent his servant to find a suitable wife for his son Isaac.
The woman should be from his family.
The servant was concerned and had no idea who it would be.
He prayed to God for help.
God answered him.
The Almighty God who created you has someone for you.
Yes, in the original blueprint of your life.
Don’t leave it to chances and random selection.
God instituted marriage, and He still answers questions concerning it.
Where will you find your soulmate?
Will you choose someone following the Lord?
Must your soulmate be part of your spiritual family?
Do you look for a beautiful girl or a strong, handsome man?
Must the person of your choice be wealthy?
Are you married?
Continue to pray for fulfillment in your marriage.
It is not just a business or convenience arrangement.
God gives the wisdom to make it work.
You may have run out of ideas, but He doesn’t.
When God is in it, marriage is fulfilling.
“Do two people ever walk together without meeting first?”
Amos 3:3 (GW)
Certainly, You need the HolySpirit’s help.
Either in guiding you to find your spouse or :
Helping you to sustain and lubricate your marriage.
Please check out our Sunday Class School on:
Can Two walk together.


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