Praise and Honor God

by | Nov 8, 2021

Praise and Honor God
“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High.” Ps. 92:1. (KJV).
Praise, Glory, and Honor to God.
That is easy to say.
What prevents You from Doing this All the time?
You Know it is a good thing to do?
Did you notice the good things God has done for you?
He helped you through many situations.
Sometimes You ask: ” Why is my life so complicated?
God can give me everything.
Why is He not?
Do you watch those who seem to receive everything?
They are arrogant, selfish, and loyal only to themselves.
They do not need God, or so they think.
The more challenges you have, the more you will see the power of God.
The more you see what He keeps doing for you:
The closer to Him, you will be.
How close do you want to be to God?
Application to the Christian life:
Be thankful for what God allows in your life.
No matter how you feel.
Praise and Honor Him.


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