Other sheep that are not of this fold

by | Oct 7, 2019

Other sheep that are not of this fold
“And I have other sheep [beside these] that are not of this fold. I must bring and impel those also, and they will listen to My voice and heed My call, and so there will be [they will become] one flock under one Shepherd.”
John 10:16 (AMPC)
Please remember that there are others that the Grace and Mercy of God will eventually locate.
They may not belong to your church or fellowship group right now.
Jesus made it clear that HE is reaching out to others.
What does this mean?
You may literarily take the verse to mean the Jews and Gentiles in the Bible context.
“And I have other sheep that I will gather which are not of this Jewish flock. And I, their Shepherd, must lead them too, and they will follow me and listen to my voice. And I will join them all into one flock with one shepherd” John10:16 (TPT)
Who are the “Jews and Gentiles” in your world?
Have respect for other people who don’t presently share your views.
Be tolerant of others and try to understand why they currently hold opposing views.
Agape them and pray for them.
Are you part of the True sheep?
True sheep are those who listen to the voice of the Shepherd and follow Him and know Him (John 10:3-4)
Live out the Gospel of Grace that has been given to you by not condemning others that don’t look and behave like you currently do. 


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