One Star differeth from another Star in glory

by | May 21, 2018

One Star differeth from another Star in glory

“There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.”  1 Corinthians 15:41 (KJV)

Child of God You are created uniquely in the image of God.

Yes, You are a different Star with your own bright and distinguished purpose in life.

You are the only original that God has made and equipped to achieve and attain what God has packaged for You before the foundations of the world.

Any other human being cannot thwart your God-given destiny as long as you do not especially with your mouth nullify God’s assignment for your life.

Genuinely many will come to test and put enormous pressures on you to self-destroy yourself

One fact you must be reminded off is that the enemy cannot stop you from your fulfillment if you do not allow its fear to come upon you.

The number one inroad for your defeat is satan’s ability to get fear into you and start doubting what God has said concerning you.

Remember the inroads to Job’s trials were rooted in the things he greatly feared. 

“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” Job 3:25 (KJV)

Once You realize that you are a Star purposed by God no need of envying or being jealous of another believer.  

Celebrate and rejoice with the child of God whose star is shining don’t pull them down. 

Work on your relationship with God and get your bearing right and you will see you do have inside of you the greatness to arise and shine in your domain.

The earth is waiting for your manifestation and full occupation of your God-given platform, please stop the attacks and criticism of another believer.

You are not too old to locate your purpose. 

Don’t give up

God is so big and Gracious that HE has created unlimited space for each of HIS children to shine with their uniqueness in shining.

Look at the sky it’s so significant to accommodate as many different species of birds that are flying to their various destinations much more this world is so big and expansive waiting for your God-given idea to thrive and give God all the Glory

“There is the radiance of the sun and differing radiance for the moon and the stars. Even the stars differ in their shining.” 1 Corinthians 15:41 (TPT)


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