Not Far From The Kingdom

by | Mar 29, 2017

“Realizing how much the man understood, Jesus said to him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” And after that, no one dared to ask him any more questions.” Mark 12:34
The man Jesus spoke this words to clearly understood the concept of the kingdom but refused to act on becoming a member.
 In how many ways and in how many things are we very knowledgeable  but we refuse to take action that will make us attain and achieve . 
One of the challenges of life that we do face is our understanding of many aspects of life but reluctant to actualize it into reality.
  For instance in our relationship with God we understand the true concept of personal praise and worship of God yet we get distracted by activities of the day and react to issues instead of praising God all the way from morning till nighttime. What is that aspect of life you are so versed in but the manifestation is not forthcoming ?. 
It could be in business, politics marriage, givings. Whatever the project ?. 
The generation we are in eagerly await the manifestations of the sons and daughters of God to occupy the kingdom platform. 
Let’s take a step of faith with what we know and respond to the calling of our Purposeful life and act. 
 Don’t walk away from the revelation God has given you act on it and step into your kingdom possession. 
Don’t sit on the edges. Enough of procrastination. 
With what you already know you are not far from it. 
Take that loving step of faith and accomplish that assignment He has given you. 


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