Life-giving light

by | Nov 6, 2020

Life-giving light
“Then Jesus said, “I am light to the world, and those who embrace me will experience life-giving light, and they will never walk in darkness.” John 8:12 (TPT)
What is the impact of your life on others around you?
Is your life-giving light for others to progress in life?
Let’s recall the story of the Lighthouse and the battleship Captain:
“A battleship had been at sea on its routine maneuvers under heavy weathers for days. The Captain, who was worried about the deteriorating weather conditions, stayed on the bridge to keep an eye on all activities. One night, the lookout on the bridge suddenly shouted,
“Captain! A light, bearing on the starboard bow.” “Is it stationary or moving astern?” the Captain asked.
The lookout replied that it was stationary. This meant the battleship was on a dangerous collision course with the other ship.
The Captain immediately ordered his signalman to signal to the ship:
“We are on a collision course. I advise you to change course 20 degrees east.”
Back came a response from the other ship: “You change course 20 degrees west.”
Agitated by the arrogance of the response, the Captain asked his signalman to shoot out another message:
“I am a captain; you change course 20 degrees east.”
Back came the second response: “I am a second class seaman.
You had still better change course 20 degrees west.”
The Captain was furious this time! He shouted to the signalman to send back a final message: “I am a battlefield. Change course 20 degrees east right now!:
Back came the flashing response: “I am a lighthouse.”
The Captain duly changed course.
The Lighthouse is designed to guide ships on the waters to their safe routes.
Is your life pointing others to Christ?
The Prophet Isaiah challenged the people of God to let their lives be a model for others ( Isaiah 41)
“Your lives light up the World. Let others see your light from a distance, for how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? “Matthew 5:14 (TPT)
Let Your Life light up the World.


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