Learning From The Rich Young Ruler.

by | Jan 14, 2022

Learning From The Rich Young Ruler.
“And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17) KJV
What did this rich young ruler have?
He had health.
Many people think that money is everything, but they are wrong.
Many rich people in this world are not happy.
He had morality.
He could say about himself that he lived a clean life all of his days.
It is okay if you can say that:
However, your morality, your personal best, will not save you.
He had youth.
Oh, what a premium we put on youth today!
A church doesn’t want to call a man over fifty years of age-old.
The world of business demands young and vigorous men.
He had social rank.
Oh, what some of our people will do to rise up in the social world!
Some of them will give up their service to the Lord.
Turn their backs upon the church, neglect their families, spend money they don’t have just to gain some social recognition.
He had a form of religion.
He fasted and tithed and went through all the forms of religion, but this did not satisfy his inner hunger.
This religion will leave you cold unless Christ is in your heart.
He had good sense.
He came to Jesus at the right time, when he was young.
He had the right spirit, the spirit of humility.
He came and knelt before Jesus.
He came seeking the right thing, eternal life.
He came to the right place.
What went wrong?
Jesus wanted his heart, and he wasn’t willing to offer Jesus his heart.
Is your heart 100% surrendered to Jesus?
Application to the Christian life:
Be like Jesus, who fulfilled the will of His Father at a young age.
Do the will of your Father with a pure heart all your life.


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