“Learn of Me”

by | Jan 21, 2019

“Learn of Me”

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Matthew 11:29)KJV

Every person in the world is a learner. 

From the cradle to the grave, we are learning continually great lessons of life. We have some marvelous teachers: experience, sorrow, example, communion with God and fellowship with the great people of the world. 

But, there is a much more critical school. I’d say it’s the most excellent school in the world. It is the school where Christ is the Teacher. He is the Master Teacher of all the ages. It was said of Him: ”And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Mark 1:22).

Jesus knows more about the stars than the most celebrated astronomer. He knows more about the flowers than the most celebrated botanist. 

He knows more about the human body that the most celebrated physician. He knows more about the world than the greatest traveler. He knows more about the soul than the most famous theologian.

What do we really learn in this greatest school in the world?

•    We learn to know the Teacher

•    We learn to Pray

•    We learn to trust Jesus

•    We learn about the Spirit of Christ

•    We learn about His suffering, His death and His power over the grave

•    We learn of the glorious home prepared for the Redeemed

We will walk with Him in perfect trust. 

We will realize that we are never alone. 

We will be more consecrated. 

Who are you Learning from?


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