Joseph the husband of Mary

by | Nov 1, 2017

“And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.” Matthew 1: 16
Joseph the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus was a man who was faithful to his calling in providing all that was required of him.
After his initial hesitation about what he “discovered” about Mary whom he was just engaged to he thereafter embraced in total commitment his responsibility as the father of the child Jesus.
Are you committed to the assignment God has revealed to you like Joseph did or you are still arguing?
He was yielded to God and heard the voice of God distinctly.
From the trip to Bethlehem of Judea, the challenges of finding a birthplace for the Savior which ended in the manger, receiving the shepherds and the wise men and fleeing from Herod he was there for God to use and rely on. Can God depend on you?
With Mary his wife they provided the balanced parenting of husband and wife, father and mother to the child Jesus.
Again how are you carrying out your God given assignment?
Very soon the world will be celebrating Christmas please remember this season that faithful man Joseph the husband of Mary and challenge yourself to be faithful and committed to your calling.    


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