Is God With You?

by | Oct 17, 2022

Is God With You?
“And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the Lord was with Him.” 1Sam. 18:14.(KJV).
David was successful in everything he did.
Because God was with Him.
Why was God with David?
David trusted God.
David served God.
David obeyed God.
David was humble.
He honored God.
Are you successful in everything you do?
Learn from the experience of David.
Surrender your life entirely to God.
Serve Him with humility
David did not have an easy life.
He faced several challenges.
He trusted God for solutions.
He remained a man according to God’s heart.
He kept his kingdom
Out of his lineage, Jesus was born.
Earlier, we saw this testimony in Joseph too.
“The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful
man;…”Genesis 39:2(NKJV)
Jesus Christ is our perfect example.
Emulate Him in your walk with God.
Do you want to be so successful?
Depend entirely on God.
Application to the Christian life:
Serve and honor God.
Let God Guide You in All your Decisions.
Follow Jesus.


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