In the Scriptures, God says about him.

by | Sep 18, 2020

In the Scriptures, God says about him.
“In the Scriptures, God says about him, “I am sending my messenger ahead to get things ready for you.” Matthew‬ 11:10‬ CEV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
What is God saying about you?
God has given us the scriptures to guide you and me in our purposeful Life
It is pertinent for us to see from the scriptures which Bible Character our current season of Life is patterned after.
Jesus Christ challenged the Bible scholars of his days to search the scriptures about Him.
”Everything you read points to me… ”John 5:39
He was then at a phase of His ordained Life.
God still speaks to us today, using the Bible Characters to guide us in perfecting our walk with Himself.
In our text, some disciples were asking about John the Baptist.
He referred them to the scriptures.
Do you know which Bible Character mirrors the phase of your Life now?
Learn from what they did right and prayerfully avoid what they did wrong.
Jesus Christ is the perfect example for all times and seasons.
All Scriptures are given to daily guide us into living an overcoming life.
What are the scriptures saying about you?


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