Honor me in front of the leaders of the army and the people of Israel.

by | Apr 15, 2020

Honor me in front of the leaders of the army and the people of Israel.
“ Saul said, “I did sin, but please honor me in front of the leaders of the army and the people of Israel. Come back with me, so I can worship the LORD your God.”  Samuel followed Saul back, and Saul worshiped the LORD.” 1 Samuel 15:30-31 (CEV)
Whose honor do you seek? Man or God???
Saul did sin, but even after realizing it, he was still obsessed about how he looked before men, not so much of his Creator.
What are you living for?
People can see you as a victorious man when, in fact, you are defeated? 
Saul started out having victories in battles ( 1 Samuel 14:47).  
What did  Saul do about Amalek?
God told him to destroy them ALL because they stood against the Jews right after their exodus from Egypt. 
 God said that they would perish. 
The Jews had a victory against the Amalek. 
But was it indeed a victory for Saul?
Is there any possibility for the people to see you as a victorious man when, in fact, you are defeated?
The members of Saul’s congregation saw him as victorious.
Are you obeying the word of God completely?. 
Are you paying attention to only the parts of the Bible that suit you?.  
The people considered Saul as a victorious man, but before God?
 If you miss it like Peter did initially and you completely turn around, you can make it.
Judas Iscariot did not fully repent he returned the blood money but did not return his heart to the Savior he had betrayed. 
How are your public and private life?
Let the Resurrection power truly restore you back fully to God.


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