God will perfect that which concerns you.

by | Feb 23, 2018

“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” Philippians 2: 13
When a toddler starts walking there are some falls, stumbling and awkward steps and that child does not give up.
 The child tries again and again.
The parents too don’t give up. They cheer and remove the obstacles around the child to enable smooth walking.
 Don’t be discouraged by the fumbles that you may have made. Parents don’t give up on their child at this stage.
 God has not and will not give up on you.
You may ask yourself it’s Friday what have I achieved this week? 
 Don’t lose hope.
You can make today the best day of this week.
Honestly look at what has been hindering you and have an action plan to correct it. 
Yes, your goal and dreams are attainable.
 Rise this day to make it your best this new year


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