Don’t yield to your fear. Have faith in me

by | Apr 1, 2020

Don’t yield to your fear. Have faith in me 
“When Jesus heard this, he said, “Jairus, don’t yield to your fear. Have faith in me, and she will live again.”  … “My sleeping child, awake! Rise up!” Instantly her spirit returned to her body, and she stood up. Jesus directed her stunned parents to give her something to eat and ordered them not to tell anyone what just happened.” Luke 8:50-56  (TPT)
Jairus kept his focus on what he had asked God for (Luke 8:42)
Regardless of the delay and the subsequent negative report, he still believed.
No matter the negative news around, you believe God”s Word concerning you.
“And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,”  leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” Romans 8:15 (TPT)
Don’t follow religion, tradition, and social media to say negative things about yourself and open the gateway to fear.
“ For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control”
 2 Timothy 1:7 (TPT)
“So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:6 (AMPC)
Be Comforted.
Be Encouraged.
Be Confident.
All these negatives around you shall not touch you and your household.
Don’t yield to your fear. 


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