
by | Aug 24, 2018

Declaring …the things that are not yet done

“Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure and purpose, Calling a ravenous bird from the east—the man [Cyrus] who executes My counsel from a far country. Yes, I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed it, and I will do it.” Isaiah 46:10 -11

Recently, during the morning hours in an office, someone was going around the office to remind workers about an afternoon training session that will be coming up later that day, and one of them responded that “I already attended the training this afternoon.”

Those who heard it started laughing and wondering what kind of statement was that?

Saying you already attended training that is yet to happen ?.

God is always declaring things that will happen beforehand, saying it openly before they happen.

That’s what makes Him God.

He also wants us with faith in Him to declare to our situations, promises and whatever we believe him to consider it as done and openly say so. 

That is exercising our faith.

It may sound ridiculous to our hearers and us just like the person who said she has attended a class that is yet to take place.

We are more comfortable with describing things as it is.

However, faith in God requires us speaking it out loud before it happens.

 Remember the fig tree Jesus talked to in Mark 11:23-24.

 David told Goliath he was a dead man even before flinging his sting.

Believe God that what you have spoken will surely come to pass.

It may be your Health, finances and other issues of life.

The God we serve declares things before it happens and they inevitably come to pass.

You to do the same.

Make your declaration based on the Word and you will plainly see them happen as God promised.


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