Be Obedient to God

by | Dec 14, 2022

Be Obedient to God
“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 2:19(KJV).
God gave a promise to the Israelites.
If they obey Him, He will bless them.
God gave God the same promise every time He spoke to His people.
Obedience to God brings miracles.
He has a bigger and better plan for you.
History shows that God blessed His people when they obeyed and punished them when they disobeyed.
The promise today is still the same.
When we obey and honor God, He blesses us.
God sent Jesus to give you and me another chance.
We are in a period of Grace.
A time where we are forgiven when we make a mistake.
A time we receive another chance to try again.
Don’t take this period of Grace for granted.
Genuine repentance from your mistake is required of you.
Reliance on the Holy Spirit enables you to choose right.
Application to the Christian life:
Choose to make use of God’s love and mercy.
Keep on trying.
Resist sin.


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