Arise Peter Slay and Eat.

by | Apr 20, 2020

Arise Peter Slay and Eat.

“And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat.” 

(Acts 11:7) KJV
God’s instructions to Peter were clear, Arise, Peter, Slay, and Eat. Many Believers today act as though they can only see the word eat. 
Though it’s an instruction in a vision that God was communicating to Peter, the principles of how God works with his people are enumerated here.
 Peter heard: Arise. 
You need to arise and be well-positioned to poses your possession.
God is providing the lamb for the sacrifice, but you need to appear and walk to the mountain to take hold of it.
 “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” 
(Romans 13: 11) KJV
God told Ruth to position herself strategically before her full restoration could become a reality  
He calls you by name. 
God called Peter individually, and when HE sends you on an assignment, He is calling you by name. 
God speaks to you through your inner man and doesn’t just copy what others are doing. 
He knows what you need. 
Ask Him for the blueprint of what He wants you to do.  
God instructed Peter to slay. 
You have to do the work required to get your victory.
Don’t just say Jesus Christ said: “it is finished.”
” You don’t have to do any work.”? 
Jesus said I work as my Father works. 
Jesus answered his critics by saying, “Every day, my Father is at work, and I will be too!” 
John 5:17 (TPT).
When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, HE told them to lose him from the bundles of clothes they already wrapped him in at the burial. 
There is always the work that you have to do.
However, the joy is that the work you have to do is not in your power, wisdom, or strength. He provides all of them for you.
“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” (Psalm 23:5)
As you obey Him step by step, your food before you, and you can then eat. 
He satisfies your mouth with good things and renews your strength daily to live victoriously in Him.
Be encouraged today that as you hear and diligently obey victory is yours in Jesus’s Name. 
Arise, Peter; slay, and eat.


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