A good chance to betray Jesus when the crowds were not around ?.

by | Oct 14, 2020

A good chance to betray Jesus when the crowds were not around ?.
“Judas went to talk with the chief priests and the officers of the temple police about how he could help them arrest Jesus. They were very pleased and offered to pay Judas some money. He agreed and started looking for a good chance to betray Jesus when the crowds were not around.” Luke 22; 4-6(CEV)
What do you like doing when crowds are not around?
Why do you like to see the Boss when other workers are not around?
Why do you like to talk with that Sister when the husband is not around?
Why do you want to tell the Pastor about your problems when his wife is not there?

With his betrayal objective, Judas felt more comfortable doing it when the crowds were not there.
Beyond avoiding the crowds, what else do you do secretly in your heart?
“Without this revelation-light, how would I ever detect the waywardness of my heart? Lord, forgive my hidden flaws whenever you find them. Keep cleansing me, God, and keep me from my secret, selfish sins; may they never rule over me! For only then will I be free from fault and remain innocent of rebellion.”
Psalm 19:12-14 (TPT)
David knew the consequences of secret selfish sins.
Like the repentant, David Pray, and don’t allow your secret sin to rule over you.
Allow the Light of the Word of God to check your inner-heart.
Whether the crowds are not there or when alone with your raging thoughts. (Philippians 4:8)
You have the Grace to overcome the temptations to betray Jesus Christ.


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