2020 The Year of Creations, Say it and See it.

by | Jan 6, 2020

2020 The Year of Creations, Say it and See it.
“….my prophetic words will fill their mouths….” 
“And this is my covenant promise with them,” says Lord Yahweh.
    “From now on, my Holy Spirit will rest on them and not depart from them, and my prophetic words will fill their mouths  and will not depart from them, nor from their children, nor from their descendants, from now on and forever,”  says Lord Yahweh.” Isaiah 59:21. (TPT)
As you journey through this New Year, what you become depends on what you say.
In Genesis 1, we see God created all this World and all its contents by speaking them to existence.
“I, the Most High God, say that all of you are gods[a]  and also my own children.” Psalm 82:6 (CEV)
God has given you the privilege of being like Him. 
“Didn’t I commission you as judges, saying, ‘You are all like gods since you judge on my behalf. You are all like sons of the Most High, my representatives.’” Psalm 82:6 (TPT)
God also gave that opportunity to Aaron and his sons to make proclamations based on His Word.
“And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.” Numbers 6:27.
Search the Scriptures  concerning yourself and make the declaration 
“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious[b] sons and daughters!” Romans 8:19 
The World is awaiting you manifesting what God has said about your Purposeful life.
Step into this new 2020 by Creating your fulfillment through saying, believing, and seeing it.
2020 The Year of Creations, Say it and See it.


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