You will succeed.

by | Mar 1, 2017

God never doubted that His Son will be able to accomplish the mission of the cross. Why do you hesitate in fulfilling your assignments? 
The same God is your God backing-you. You have the same resources made available to Jesus as man. 
You are unstoppable.
 Let’s keep praising Him. His Word will not fail as long as we are on His assignment and listening to Him. 
When you look at the facts don’t forget the promises of God that backs up your desires. 
Do you know of any project God started and failed? NONE. 
So don’t give up. When Jesus gave the commission to the then fearful disciples to complete. HE believed in them. He stood by them. HE is with you. 
One with God is majority. 
Be encouraged you will succeed in your assignments. 


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