You are thinking like everyone else and not like God.

by | Aug 19, 2020

You are thinking like everyone else and not like God.
“Then, Jesus explained clearly what he meant. Peter took Jesus aside and told him to stop talking like that. But when Jesus turned and saw the disciples, he corrected Peter. He said to him, “Satan, get away from me! You are thinking like everyone else and not like God.” Mark 8:32-33(CEV)
How are you thinking today?
From whose perspective are you seeing things?
Jesus just told the disciples what was going on and what was going to happen.
Based purely on reasoning facts and logic, Peter responded.
However, God wants us to always see things from His purpose.
Again how are you responding to that challenge?
Are you thinking and responding like everyone?

You are seated with God as a joint heir with Christ.
“He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as one with Christ!” Ephesians 2:6 (TPT)
Before you respond to that issue or challenge, today, take a step back.
Think and respond like God.
Not like everyone.
What will Jesus do in this situation?


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