Where do You Live? Come and see”

by | Aug 30, 2017

“Jesus looked around and saw them following. “What do you want?” he asked them. “Sir,” they replied, “where do you live? “Come and see,” he said. So they went with him to the place where he was staying and were with him from about four o’clock that afternoon until the evening.” John 1: 38-39
The two disciples asked Jesus where He was living and Jesus promptly replied them Come and see portrays the transparent and true leadership style of Jesus.
Are you sensitive enough to distinguish between your followers and true disciples ?
Do you have the sensitivity to look around like Jesus did and know those who are trulydisciples ? 
How many leaders today can really show their disciples where they live?
 Can you really open up your life for your disciples to see?
Jesus had nothing to hide from the disciples hence there was no hesitation to show them where he was living.
Today as a leader can your disciples really ask you some questions?
You may want to say that you have a right to your privacy hence it should be kept secret?
Jesus lived a transparent open life for His true disciples to see.
Today lets ponder on the question the disciples asked Jesus,” where do you live?”
Can we really say to our disciples “come and see”? 


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