When You Are Criticized.

by | Mar 27, 2019

When You Are Criticized.

“When he was verbally abused, he did not return with an insult; when he suffered, he would not threaten retaliation. Jesus faithfully entrusted himself into the hands of God, who judges righteously.”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2:23‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ‬‬‬‬

 Constructive criticism?  learn from it and to become wiser. 

When we are speaking about unjustified criticism, remember that our Lord Jesus Christ was criticized too, so you are not alone.

When you are tempted to be overwhelmed by resentments and ready to respond back, please read these verses: 

“For what merit is it to endure mistreatment for wrongdoing? Yet if you are mistreated when you do what is right, and you faithfully endure it, this is commendable before God. In fact, you were called to live this way, because Christ also suffered in your place, leaving you his example for you to follow.” 1 Peter‬ ‭2:20-21 ‭TPT‬‬‬‬‬‬

Accept criticism, in good faith.

Doing so, you will be demonstrating one of the qualities of the greatest man to have ever lived.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

There are going to be moments when you will be criticized. 

How do you react? 

Did you know that it is better for you to forgive than to internalize bitterness and pain? 

Forgiveness will release you from bitterness.

At times they will really hit you “under the belt.”

Ask yourself again. What will Jesus do?

I urge you today to use criticism as an opportunity to learn, not to lose.


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