What God has cleansed you must not call common.

by | Jul 21, 2017

“And a voice came to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” But Peter said, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.” And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” Acts 10:13-15
Peter after he turned around and repented became reliable for God to use in some many profitable ways. However felt he knew God so much by what he has learnt and experienced in the past that he was almost shutting God out of HIS next move. God is limitless but Peter’s knowledge and experience was limited.
How do you understand and interpret God?
Don’t limit God with your past understanding. Be open to God to find out what he is doing now. Peter had the grace to hear God’s voice a second time.
What about you?
Are you giving God that second chance to speak to you again?
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
Give room for God to reveal HIS mind to you on your thoughts.
Allow His higher ways and plans to be communicated to you.
“Peter fairly exploded with his good news: “It’s God’s own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites! It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from—if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open. The Message he sent to the children of Israel—that through Jesus Christ everything is being put together again—well, he’s doing it everywhere, among everyone.”  Acts 10: 34-36
God indeed is not limited .HE will use HIS Word to confirm to you HIS next move.


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