What did Ruth see that Naomi did not initially see?

by | Apr 24, 2017

” And Naomi said, See, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister-in-law.
And Ruth said, Urge me not to leave you or to turn back from following you; for where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 1:15-6. 
Naomi, Ruth’s mother in law had seen so much of tragedies and failures that made her put limitations of what God can do and had resolved to just fold her hands in an all hope is lost attitude. 
Ruth had inner convictions while Naomi was looking at the facts of life what we sometimes call the empirical evidence. 
Apparently Naomi had knowledge of Yahweh that she and her late husband shared with their two sons from where Ruth as a wife to one of the sons had a purposeful encounter with the God of destiny.
Ruth in the verse above positively confessed that Naomis people shall be her people and she knew inside of her that her journey to purposeful fulfillment of her life destiny was in following Naomi to connect with her people.
She did not allow the incidents of the death of her father in-law, her husband and his brother to shake her off her God given destiny.
How are we today allowing one or two incidents to derail our God given destiny?
 One experience of disappointment had made some people walk out of marriage, business and personal relationships. Yet clearly at the beginning you know what God has clearly told you about the relationship.
We do easily find offence with the church, pastor or ministry where God has specifically assigned us to blossom and be fulfilled.
It could even be an idea that heaven has revealed to us that will prosper us but two or three disappointments has made us to abandon that dream.
To some it might be failure of an examination and you had given up on the career and profession altogether.
Today I want to remind you of the inner conviction of Ruth that made her stay true and because she believed, confessed and acted on her purpose, her life today is linked with the lineage of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Many Christians today wrongly completely depend on the social media to form opinions and take life crucial decisions that should be bible based . 
Are you one of them ? 
Let God be your guide ,search the scriptures and spend time in prayers.
Be like Ruth and stay true to your destiny  and do not limit yourself to the current circumstances of life like Naomi initially did.  


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