The Whole Armor of God.

by | Aug 27, 2021

The Whole Armor of God.

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Eph. 6:11.(KJV).

Can a soldier go to war without a gun? 

When a soldier is well equipped for war:

He stands a chance of surviving. 

When he lacks ammunition?

He probably will not survive.

What is the armor of God?

Jesus gave His life for you.

God sent the Holy Spirit to guide you. 

You were baptized to a clear conscience with God. 

You have God’s word and His commandments. 

God promised to help you.

You can not afford to leave out any of the Whole Armor.

Even as you face the enemy, your ears are attentive to your commander.

Jesus, the Captain of the Lord of Host is with you.

Do you have the faith to trust God?

Don’t leave out any part of your whole armor.

Application to the Christian life: 

Commit your All to God. 

Daily Listen and obey Him.

He Knows the terrain of the Battleground.

He will lead you to victory.

Follow Jesus all the way.

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide 


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