The Changing Face of Christianity Traditional or Modern Approach? Part 1.

by | May 19, 2021

The Changing Face of Christianity Traditional or Modern Approach? Part 1.
“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:14b (KJV)
What do you really believe?
How do you connect with God?
The traditional way or the modern approach to Christianity?
During my years at high school, I once saw a church bulletin.
After the elders’ name who coordinated the program,
they printed the title JP.
Initially, I thought it meant Justice of Peace.
The fellow told me it was Jerusalem Pilgrim (JP).
He then explained that one of the lofty goals a good Christian should attain is visiting Jerusalem and seeing the holy land yourself.
For years I thought you cannot understand the holy land.
You have to be there to feel the full impact.
I was surprised some years ago when I went to Amsterdam, and not too far from the city was a model city of Jerusalem.
Much more recently, I have seen the television adverts of a replica Jerusalem in Orlando, Florida, where all you can see in the actual Jerusalem pilgrimage has been recreated in Florida.
So, you don’t really need to go to the actual holy land in Jerusalem.
Years ago, a typical church service would include Hymns, Scripture reading, and a balanced sermon of about one-hour duration.
It could last three to four hours.
Today church service is compressed into an average of one-two hours, especially when there is more than one shift.
Sermon and brevity are now synonymous.
Soul lifting Hymns are being replaced by appealing and body-moving choruses.
The Bible reading is now the short text of where the preacher is preaching from.
You are fortunate if the preacher refers to that text; otherwise, that’s the only Bible reading for the service.
Yet, a generation loves this ‘takeaway’ service.
(To be continued.)
*Published in the Daily Empowerment Devotional


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