Thank You

by | Jul 3, 2011

“If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.” I want to say thank you to my wife and friend Olutoyin for making not only the birthday a memorable one but for continuously adding value to my life. Thanks to Toke Iyanda , Layi Afolabi and E Olaninyi my Uncles from Ikirun who saw the potentials and were there early to nurture .Thanks to Prof Esther Aderibigbe for being used of the Lord to draw me to the TRUTH. Thanks to Bishop Francis Wale Oke, Dr Samuel Olusegun Odunaike,Dr Gabriel Olusoji Farombi and Dr Stephen Olford for the structural foundation of knowing and serving HIM. Thanks to Prof Nurudeen Alao who taught me to study very hard and to keep studying. Thanks to Bunmi Oni, Dr Chris Imoisili, Oba Onafuwa (my father in law ) and those wonderful members of my employers management teams who allowed me to be “Oga HR” I am also grateful for my Forever Friends Lanre Amos, Mike Bamidele , Abiodun Fijabi, Kehinde Lawnson and Tunde Ojo. My Best man Kayode Ogungbuyi. Dr Ammar Rambisson and Dr David Olford thank you for the multicultural platforms.

Many thanks to stategic friends God has been using upon relocation whose names I would have loved to list but for the limited space here. I appreciate you all.

Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas” is a Latin phrase, translating to “Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend (literally: truth is more my friend (than he is)).” For you all my friends that continue to tread the path of truth continue to remain true to your calling and election in the various dominion areas God has put you.

As one of you my great friends said “your destiny is just about to truly unfold ,you have been in training” Thank you for being part of the first half. As the second half unfolds let us continue to stay on the path of truth. Tolu and Tope you are great. To other members of my family I say thank you for being there too.


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