Suddenly the same star

by | Nov 18, 2019

Suddenly the same star

“And so they left, and on their way to Bethlehem, suddenly the same star they had seen in the East reappeared! Amazed, they watched as it went ahead of them and stopped directly over the place where the child was.”  MATTHEW 2:9 (TPT)
Sometimes it appears that you have missed it.
What did God say to me?
Does it seem that I have lost direction?
God is always faithful to respond when we are in doubt.
Suddenly the same star they had seen at the beginning of their journey reappeared.
Are you at a crossroad today?
Ask Him again for guidance.
He will by His Grace still speak to you to confirm what HE has earlier told you.
“All wisdom comes from the LORD,  and so do common sense and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6 (CEV)
“With wisdom, you will learn what is right  and honest and fair.” Proverbs 2:9
“And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom, and he will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures, but he will overwhelm your failures with his generous grace.” James 1:5 (TPT)
Don’t stay confused and perplexed as to what is the next thing to do.
Ask Him again.
The same star that initiated your journey and gave you direction earlier will suddenly reappear. 


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