Stationed them all where they belong.

by | Feb 8, 2021

Stationed them all where they belong.
“Lift up your eyes to the sky and see for yourself. Who do you think created the Cosmos? He lit every shining star and formed every glowing galaxy, and stationed them all where they belong. He has numbered, counted, and given everyone a name. They shine because of God’s incredible power” Isaiah 40:26(TPT)

The Prophet Isaiah in this text affirmed the sovereignty of God.
Particularly in positioning each member of the Cosmos.
HE perfectly placed them where they belong.

You are created by God and pre-ordained for His purpose in life.

Why are you moving all around aimlessly?
Why are you trying to fit into every position in life?
Why not locate where He has purposed for you to be?

Before you were born, HE had plans for you.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born,
I set you apart for my holy purpose. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5(GW)
Stop trying to become everybody but your original self as created by God.
Jesus reminded us again that God created and cared for the lilies.

However, His plan for you much more Superior and Better.
“Why worry about clothes? Look how the wildflowers grow. They don’t work hard to make their clothes. But I tell you that Solomon, with all his wealth, wasn’t as well clothed as one of them. God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. He will surely do even more for you! Why do you have such little faith?” Matthew 6:28-30(CEV)

Put your trust in the definite plan of God for your life.
Build up your faith through reading and hearing the Word of God personally.
Salvation is contingent on your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Draw closer to HIM.
Get to know HIM better Daily.
Stop running from pillar to post, looking at what is going on in other lives.
Your unique life is more colorful and absolutely purposeful.
Locate and stay where He has positioned you to grow and prosper.


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