Only One God.

by | Feb 2, 2022

Only One God.
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” Deuteronomy 6:4.(KJV).
There is only one God.
God is Good.
God is the Almighty.
God is Omnipotent.
Glory and Honor Him at all times in all situations.
Keep His commandments in your heart and serve Him.
Regardless of your friends’ opinions, HE is still God.
Regardless of their scorn:
Be humble and let the LOVE of God fill your heart.
Tell your friends about God.
Let them experience the wonders of God with you.
Learn from history.
God allowed the Israelites to develop into a nation.
He led them out of Egypt into the promised land, Canaan, doing miraculous deeds.
He guided the Israelites until the birth of Jesus without anybody stopping Him.
From the birth of Jesus to date, His protection is over those following Him.
Nobody can change the plan of God.
He is leading His children to His Kingdom.
They will reach heaven.
Do you want to be there with Him?
What are you doing to be there?
Application to the Christian life:
Believe in the omnipotence of God.
Subject your life to Him.
Allow Him to take charge of your life.


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