Obedience is The Key to Your Miracle.

by | Jan 17, 2022

Obedience is The Key to Your Miracle.
“And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.” (John 5:9) KJV
In John chapter 5, we are introduced to a sick man.
Jesus wanted to heal him.
To heal him, Jesus commanded that he do something.
“Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” Verse 8.
He was obedient, and he took his bed and walked at Jesus’ command.
What does He call us to do?
He calls us to rise up and walk in an open confession of Him.
Don’t be ashamed to profess your faith.
If we have been truly saved, we will do it.
He calls us to rise up and walk into the baptismal waters.
When you are saved, you are encouraged to do water baptism.
He calls us to rise up and walk in faithful fellowship.
We must be planted in the house of the Lord.
He calls us to rise up and walk in a life of communion with Christ.
You need to grow in Prayers and Bible study.
This is the secret of power and peace in a Christian’s life.
He calls us to rise up and walk as consecrated Christians.
He calls us to rise up and walk as faithful stewards.
He calls us to rise up and walk in a life of service.
He calls us at the end of our life to rise up and walk through the gates of Glory.
Oh, what a day that’s going to be!
He assures you of Eternal life while you live abundantly here on earth.
Whatever Jesus commands you to do, you need to do it.
Are you willing to do what He is asking you to do?
Application for Christian Life:
Stand up, take up your cross and follow Jesus
Let go of entanglements to your faith.
Set your mind on the eternal goal.


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